How do i get the instance of a path label?

I dont know how to get the instance of a path label.
I have a door and inside i placed pathfinding Modifier and set its label ro “Door” but my script doesnt work. sometimes it prints nil other times it doenst print at all

local function Move(pos: Vector3)
	if path.Status ~= Enum.PathStatus.NoPath then
		local points = path:GetWaypoints()
		if points and points[3] then
			if path:GetWaypoints()[3].Label == "Door" then
				print(path:GetWaypoints()[3].Label.Instance) -- prints nil

I don’t know much on pathfinding, but I don’t think you can get an instance from modifiers. What are you trying to achieve with your pathfinding?

Oh so label is useless i guess

While I don’t think getting the part from a pathfinding modifier is possible, you can create some sort of hitbox, that if the character walked into it, it would trigger the specified door to open.

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