Is there a way to get a certain digit out of a number?
For instance, if I had the number 673048648, is there any way that I could figure out that the ones column is ‘8’ and the tens column is ‘4’?
Is there a way to get a certain digit out of a number?
For instance, if I had the number 673048648, is there any way that I could figure out that the ones column is ‘8’ and the tens column is ‘4’?
Modulus should work fine for this.
local t = 42738476237
local LastDigit = math.floor(t%10)
print(t) -- 42738476237
print(LastDigit) -- 7
Modulus is cool and all with finding remainders or last debit solutions, but with the string manipulation method, you can get any digit in the number. Also, it looks way cooler. (I guess that is just opinion though)
local num =12345678
local numS = tostring(num)
local last = tonumber(string.sub(numS, string.len(numS)-1, 0)
print(last) --8
local function getLoc(str, num)
return string.sub(str, num-1,num)
local num = 12345678
local place = 2 --1 is ones, 2 is tenths, 3 is hundreds
local numS = tostring(num)
local result = getLoc(numS, string.len(numS)-place+1)
--result is 7
Hey, you really don’t need to edit your answer to put other people’s answers into it.
Sorry, I was just trying to explain that method better. I removed it from my post.
Not sure why you would use string manipulation with numbers, you can get other digits with modulus.
local t = 42738476237
local Digit = math.floor(t%100/10)
print(t) -- 42738476237
print(Digit) -- 3
As a function
local function getDigit(number,position)
return math.floor(number%10^position/(10^position/10))
Using the function
local t = 12345678.98
print(getDigit(t,1)) -- 8
print(getDigit(t,2)) -- 7
print(getDigit(t,3)) -- 6
print(getDigit(t,4)) -- 5
print(getDigit(t,5)) -- 4
print(getDigit(t,6)) -- 3
print(getDigit(t,7)) -- 2
print(getDigit(t,8)) -- 1
--and for decimals
print(getDigit(t,0)) -- 9
print(getDigit(t,-1)) -- 8
Both ways are equally effective; It just depends which way you prefer and how you want to think about it.
Would you also be working with decimal numbers? If so, you can use:
Otherwise, use:
Arithmetic functions are always faster than string manipulations. Since this is a function that could be used in performance critical situations, there is no reason to use the slower approach.
How much faster though? If there’s only a few miliseconds shaved off, time difference doesn’t matter much. Regardless, it certainly looks pointless to convert a number to a string, perform a string manipulation and then turn it back into a number.
Not by an enormous margin on individual runs, but this is what I got:
local strsub = string.sub
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local tick = tick
local print = print
local function getDigitN(number,position)
local d = 10^position
local n = number%d/(d/10)
return n-n%1
local function getDigitS(number,position)
number = tostring(number):reverse()
return tonumber(strsub(number,position,position))
local n,dig = 1234567890,5
local st = tick()
for i=1,999999 do
print("Arithmetics: "..tick()-st)
local st = tick()
for i=1,999999 do
print("Strings: "..tick()-st)
The result was 0.16 for the arithmetic version VS 0.86 for string manipulation, so the difference is quite noticeable if you have to run it many times.
I couldn’t run more as this PC crashes if a program holds for 2 seconds, but the results were about the same when I reversed the order.