How do I get the old chat bubbles in my game?

Chat bubbles like these

I am trying to get the older style of chat bubbles. Most other methods have broken and I’m not quite sure how to get them anymore.

I’ve tried looking through older here in the Developer Forum but found no working methods. I have also tried YouTube as another method, but they didn’t seem to work either.

I saw no new posts about it so I thought I should ask.


Seems like when they updated the text chat scripts to update them this has led them to removing all the old chat bubbles. You cannot really get the back. Unless you have one of the original scripts and from there you can do something about it.

Other than that, Thats it.

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Can’t you go to Chat Properties, and set BubbleChatEnabled = true ?

Edit: As far as I know, you can only use the new version of the bubble chat, which can still be enabled. Unless you have the original somehow, I don’t think there is any other option available.

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that would turn it on, but the question of the post is how to get the old style back

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This might help:

It works, no worries.

It didn’t for me.
module.BubbleChatEnabled has moved down one line and the new bubble chat is still present.

Did you follow all the steps? It worked for me multiple time…

It seems the tutorial is a bit outdated and I don’t get the older chat bubbles.

well, roblox doesnt allow access to chat system events. if they could i would have a solution. if they did, this would be the code:
local script:
local OnMessageDoneFiltering = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“DefaultChatSystemChatEvents”):WaitForChild(“OnMessageDoneFiltering”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.SendServerChatBubble:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, message)
server script:
local chatService = game:GetService(“Chat”)

game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.SendServerChatBubble.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, message)

chatService:Chat(player:FindFirstChild(“Head”), message, “White”)

the local script would probably be in startergui and the server script in server storage.

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i have found the solution! well, kinda… since we cannot access replicatedstorage roblox remote events it will not hashtag slurs, so dont add it into the game, if you can filter it kinda like the booth blaza somehow filters their billboards, here is the code:
local chatService = game:GetService(“Chat”)



chatService:Chat(player.Character:FindFirstChild(“Head”), message, “White”)

