How do i get this

How do i get the size of the ChatBar:
Screenshot 2025-01-30 105330

What are you trying to achieve? It’s not quite clear.

If you want to only display the input bar (where you type your chat message), then you can achieve that by setting Enabled to false on ChatWindowConfiguration in TextChatService

just do print(game.CoreGui.ExperienceChat.appLayout.chatInputBar.Background.AbsoluteSize) on the client (if they don’t exist, wait for the child to load)


This does work, but I need to do this in a local script on the client and the client cannot access CoreGui

I found it! it’s a property of ChatInputBarConfiguration

I was trying to get the size of the ChatInputBar


Oh okay. Just curious though, what do you need the size of the input bar for?

Auto scaling for custom chat system

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