How do I GetAsync if I am using UpdateAsync to save?

I know it’s kind of a simple question, but I just found out I shouldn’t be using SetAsync. I tried looking around DevForum and Roblox Documentation, but none of them have been really all that clear. I tried doing it myself, but whenever I try to get the data, it returns as nil. If someone could modify my script, I would really love that. Thanks!


	--Load Data
	local upgradedata
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		upgradedata = upgradeData:GetAsync(playerUserId)
	if success then
		if upgradedata then
			for i, saveWhat in pairs(Upgrades:GetChildren() and Upgrades:GetDescendants()) do
				for dataValue, v in pairs(upgradedata) do
					if dataValue == saveWhat.Name then
						saveWhat.Value = dataValue

You can use SetAsync, As the docs say you should only use UpdateAsync:

In cases where another game server updated the key in the short timespan between retrieving the key’s current value and setting the key’s value, GlobalDataStore:UpdateAsync() will call the function again to ensure that no data is overwritten.

This is a pretty uncommon case for game data to be written for a specific player on two different servers, since they can’t be in both servers at once.

Your for loop is wrong though, :GetDescendants() will include all children so please remove :GetChildren(), the and keyword does not combine tables, it is merely selecting :GetDescendants() as the last true-thy value

for i, saveWhat in pairs(Upgrades:GetDescendants()) do

If you are sure this is the function you want, UpdateAsync function is used like so

updgradeData:UpdateAsync(playerUserId, function(lastData, dataInfo: DataStoreKeyInfo)
    local newValue = lastDat + 2
    return newValue, dataInfo:GetUserIds(), dataInfo:GetMetadata()

I did this, it still returns nil every time I join.

local data = {}
	for i, v in ipairs(player.Upgrades:GetChildren()) do
		data[v.Name] = v.Value
	for i, v in ipairs(player.Upgrades:GetDescendants()) do
		data[v.Name] = v.Value
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		upgradeData:UpdateAsync(playerUserId, function(oldData)
			local previousData = oldData or {DataId = 0}
			if data.DataId == previousData.DataId then
				return data, data:GetUserIds(), data:GetMetadata()
				return nil

This is for SAVING data by the way

UpdateAsync is for saving data based on old data (like += opposed to setAsync being like =).

What do you mean it returns nil when you join? Are you just trying to say the data isn’t saved and you get nil from :GetAsync()?

Looks like your current function will only save data if the previous DataId matches, otherwise it will delete your data. I wouldn’t do the id check since your datastore already uses the playerUserId as a key.

The posted snippet doesn’t print out the errors but I have a feeling you are getting errors from data:GetUserIds(), data:GetMetadata() since these are functions for the DataStoreKeyInfo that you’ve neglected to include as a parameter