How do I give my music a more techno vibe?

Hi developers!
I have been a music composer for 5+ years and I still struggle with making “techno” music, like the kind of music played in a lot of Roblox games. I have made some pieces in the past that are kinda techno but I have never been able to achieve a piece of real “techno” music.

Here is an example of what I am talking about:

And here is the closest I think I have gotten to “techno” :

So what do you guys use to make “techno” music? Am I using the wrong instruments? Or the wrong synth? Or am I flat out just doing it wrong?

Anything helps!
-crew :slight_smile:


Bubbly synth-like instruments are a staple of techno music. I don’t hear them in your piece.

I used a vocal synth because I thought that was the best way to make it sound techno. Do you know any good instruments to try? Also I have gotten a little bit better at techno this was just the first piece I made that sounded close to it. (its a year old)

I am sorry, I am not a person experienced in producing music. From listening to several techno tracks, I know the synth instruments tend to sound high yet round (“bubbly” and “bouncy”), not sharp and pointed like the synths in your piece. Think of the music feeling like bubble wrap, unpopped.

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Ok! Thanks! I will try and fix that to make it sound better! :slight_smile: