Don’t know if this is the right category for this, but I am working on a training center and was wondering how do I give myself Creator Admin? (I do not own the group.)
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I don’t know if you’ve solved this yet but here is what you can do. (I’m aware this is 8 days old)
['Group ID'] = groupID,
['Group Rank'] = yourRankID,
['Tolerance Type'] = '>= or ==', (== makes it so no higher or lower rank gets creator)
['Admin Level'] = 4,
Get the BA model, insert it to server script service, publish your game and youre done.
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That only works if they are the owner, if not they will have to:
- Manually add themselves to the rank via the MainModule.
- Add their rank in the specific group have admin level
Head into Basic Admin Essentials Script to group linking thing and add the rank and do ‘4’ then they should get admin. Enjoy (: