How do I handle building walls? Should I Union parts?

I am attempting to build a building.

Unfortunately, I am stuck on how I should proceed with creating the walls. I want to add a texture to the wall but my wall is broken up into multiple parts which will disrupt the texture. I thought about Unioning the wall but I am concerned about possible performance issues arising. I also thought about creating an inner wall which consists of a cloned version of the wall but is only showing on the interior (and not using textures) but this adds a lot of unnecessary parts and would make Unioning the parts better for performance instead (maybe?).

I looked at different threads which describe how Unioning parts is never a good idea.

How should I go about this?


Can you send a screenshot of the wall? In almost all cases, you don’t need to union the wall.



With the walls all facing the same direction and having no specific complex angels, I recommend unioning the wall. If you set a primary part textures will react the same as when using it on a normal part. This also is performance issues because unions will prevent lag and z-fighting.

If the parts of the union are facing completely different directions then you would not want to union the walls, but in this case unions will be perfectly ok


I did not realize that unioning parts does not make textures seemless… Will I get better performance if I do not union the parts and instead apply a texture to each individual part?


It would be worse as the parts textures wouldnt seam together and they would cause lag

Yeah, you should be fine without unioning it.

If walls are creating the somewhat illusion called “z-fighting”, I encourage to try using Unions.

I mostly hide my shame away of two textures fighting on who’s on top with a union.
I generally don’t think changing the model to a Unions changes anything whatsoever regarding the performance unless we’re talking about cutting inside unions than merging.