How do I have a custom Text Format

Hello I’m making a game like sonic and Mario 64 engine and I need help on making the text have a specific format.

I want to have a brick format of 000 and a time format of 00:00:00
But I’m unsure how I actually do this cause I don’t really know how os time actually works since I don’t use it often. Can someone give any pointers?

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 5.14.12 PM

Hello, are you trying to display time in game (like how long since game start) or real life time?

the time in the game

also I want to format the bricks as well since it just revert back to 0 instead of 000

I will make this for you just give me while, do you want to store only minutes and second or hours too?

I just only want it to store the seconds, minutes and hours all three of them

Here’s the documentation for formatting strings

thanks but I dont know how to apply the format in a text

Their documentation contains examples that use similar formatting you want to use. I’d suggest analyzing the example where they format the integer “300” into “$300.00”.