How do I hide the top bar?

I’m making a loading screen for one of my games, but the top bar kind of ruins everything.

Is there any way to hide it? Or make it opaque or something?

I think the original method for it was deprecated so I’m looking for any alternatives


Yes! You can find more details about how to disable CoreGui components here!

From the Wiki:

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)

I tried that earlier and kept getting an error about it “not being registered by CoreScripts”

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I believe the function was for the old topbar (before it was updated to always be transparent) so developers could change the color of it, because there was no built-in support for such customization.


Well, I just decided to make my gui go slightly out of bounds vertically so that it covers the top bar and it worked.


I understand that you found somewhat of a fix, but there is actually a way to do this properly.
All you have to do is set IgnoreGuiInset to true and it will be fixed! Here is the Dev Wiki page about it. If you have any more questions about it, let me know!


If you go into the screen gui this property will be there. I have no idea how old this post is but I figured I’d show this for others.
What checking this box does is it makes the UI go behind the escape menu, chat, leaderboard and more.


Holy buckets, it may be like 2 years later but enabling IgnoreGuiInset quite literally solved all of my issues, and I’m not even apart of the discussion :sob: