How do i import a object from blender to roblox


I am so stuck on how to import objects i made from blender to roblox (with colour) all the videos out there just dont seem to work. I import it as obj doesn’t have colour. Fbx is way to big and feels like stuff doesn’t load and still doesn’t have colour.

Can anyone please help this is so annoying.


You should export the object as FBX file, it doens’t fill up the color because it doesn’t work anymore(from my experience), instead, you would have to bake a UV map and upload it to Roblox in order to make this work.

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once you finish baking, download the image it makes, and then go to the texture id of the mesh, and then use the image you downloaded. If you did some basic texture painting then you can just download the image without baking anything.


When I downloaded it as a fbx file it added some parts and got rid of some parts. (Its a door im makeing) and it wasn’t what i made in blender. (Do you have any ideas)?

Uh, I don’t quite understand. Can you please clarify more?

I made a door in blender upload it was a fbx. I Selected. (Selcected only option) the door was selected.

this was the door (in blender)
This was the door i made.

Sorry for the awful pictures

This is what it ended up like in roblox (holes and stuff and it was way to big.) how I imported it was. Going into assest maneger selected the file from blender (fbx door)

(Note in still quite new to blender exsporting to roblox)

You can try export each of them seperately instead of just exporting the whole thing

May you please explain. Exsport them all individually then the whole thing

What I meant is, your door is too big, meaning that Roblox cannot import that much because of how many triangles it has. To solve this, you could seperate each parts of the individually, like separate the door knob, the door base, the weird 3 lines and that individually,

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Oh yea okay that makes sense. So I separate them colour each one individually. And import to roblox and group them together? And may i ask how would I figure out if objects are too big for roblox from blender?

Btw thank you so much

The limit is 10 000 tris, so if your door is less than that then it should be fine. .fbx files tend to be imported very big, but you can easily just resize the door with studio tools. For the texture, do u have everything uv wrapped and put on an image?
To have texture on .obj files you need the image to be connected to the material’s base color. If that doesnt work then idk.

If youre not doing complicated texture and just want simple colors then u can just export each part as .obj (so you dont need to resize that much), color them in studio and then group together


if you are using asset manager then it should say something like failed to import, too many triangles.

About there being holes, it looks like your models is really messed up in blender too, can you send a screenshot while in edit mode.

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both are in edit mode one with colour and one without colour

All I can think of is did you use any planes? Also, try looking at it in a 3D viewer and see if it’s also messed up there,

i don’t think i used planes I only used cubes and cylinders. Ill look at 3d view never seen it.
Thank you