How do I improve this small town?

I am trying out studio, and i don’t really know how to keep a town really small yet make everything easy to locate. These are all free models that I edited a little


Maybe add some more houses, I can’t see any in your picture.

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Oh, the houses are here
Maybe i should add some plants around them…


maybe try to add some vehicles

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I made a dealership system that players can spawn cars with, do you mean static ones parked around?

yep, also try to decrease the trees

The game is meant to be more of a showcase-y type of game ,so I have less concern about performance, but thank you for your suggestion, I will use it!

I think you should change the detail of everything. IMO a small town should be run down and old. I think that will help with the aesthetic a bit.

I could try that, but because i am new I just made a cover story that goes along the lines of “newly inhabited island, newly built”

Fair enough but it could still use some variety. Also I don’t thing everything should be so close. Like a gas station behind a bunch of houses doesn’t fit in to me, maybe have it go down the road a bit and put a school there or something. I say school because most towns start with an important building such as a school or a Town Hall when first being built.

TLDR; move the gas station down the road and put an important building such as a school there instead.

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Thanks for the suggestion, i will work on it!

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Good so far, but for starters you may want to;

  • Add more species of trees, or change their sizes and color. With a forest-like theme, variety is everything.
  • Play around with terrain detail. ^
  • Form areas where nature has overgrown/been cut back. As xander said, more houses with smaller paths going to them would be great.
  • Find a daylight time that fits. Contextually, it seems like it’s noon.

Thanks for the suggestions! The trees have varying sizes but I’ll add some variety.
How exactly can i play around with the detail? adding fallen leaves to the ground? or putting wear in the roads?
I could add some overgrowth to the sidewalks and all, but i don’t see how to make nature cut back other than a lawn.
I think noon fits this place, so i’ll keep the current skybox

You’re on the right track with detail there (I get that it’s a quote-unquote “new town”, but whose roads sparkle)
When I said “cut back”, I was thinking of fields that someone’s been tending to, or a river with a a dam. Just something that shows activity. Plus, overgrowth would be better imo, forget the “cut back” idea if you want

I’m not a very good builder, but I would suggest adding more points of interest for the town. Like add a small old fashioned diner, I feel like that would fit with what you’re going for :grin:

I’ve actually got one of those, here’s the picture. I’m adding a school too if that counts.

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A mini-dam in one of the rivers would be cool, i’ll also add road wear and overgrowth, thanks for the cool suggestions!

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Wow, that looks amazing :open_mouth: You did a great job :+1:

I think you need to add a lot of locations on the map and make the map bigger, add a forest, add a huge city with hangings, add liveliness to the roads, add shops, police stations, fire stations, an old collapsed mine, add more roads, more decorations on the map.

I don’t want to take much credit for that, it’s partly a free model, which I edited