How do I increase engagment and first impressions in my game?

Our group, named Tarantula Games(an indie game group), has a game titled Maze Craze, which has been in development for a while. However, most people don’t stay for very long, usually between 1-4 rounds, which is approximately 2-7 minutes.

We’re aiming for an average visit time of 20 minutes or more(for PC players), but we’re not even close to getting there.

We think that the game may feel too repetitive too fast, and if so, how could we fix that? And what are any other things that could help the game be fun game you would play(a 10/10 in your opinion).

Criticize ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I mean it. It’s very helpful, as we can very easily miss the obvious.

You can summarize how you feel about the game with this poll(but it would still be helpful to know how to fix it, of course, even if you already did the poll.)

  • Amazing game! Nothing needs any work! (10)
  • Great game, but it would benefit with(answer below) (9-8)
  • Nice game, but these things are lacking(answer below) (7-6)
  • Decent game, but it desperately needs(answer below) (5-4)
  • Bad game. It needs (answer below) (3-2)
  • Horrible game. There is no hope for it. (1-0)

0 voters

If you want some screenshots, they can be provided.

Thank you for your time! ~ NinjaFactory



Have you run and advertising or sponsorship campaigns?

Both on or off Roblox.

We did(on roblox), but we stopped because it did not go very well. Once we know that our game is good and ready, we will sponsor again.

How much for? Could you send a screenshot of the CostPerClick and CostPerPlay? If it was an Ad, what image did you use? And what platforms, age group, and gender.

Just trying to get an idea of what you did.

Sure! I’ll put a picture of it right now.

This was a banner ad and not a sponsorship right? Or was it a sponsorship?

No, it was a sponsorship. Not a banner ad, or any other ad size.

So the biggest issue I see is the difference in Cost Per Click and Cost Per Play. Many people click on your sponsorship but what they see doesn’t entice them to hit play…

Are you still using the same thumbnail? (I see this ad is from a while ago.)

No, we have different thumbails now than we had then. Would they entice you to play, or are they not very attractive?

I notice many games have Roblox Avatars in their thumbnails. Perhaps create a thumbnail that has a Roblox character in the maze or being chased by the monster.

Here some examples (Bloxburg, Mini Cup, and Ohio):

That’s a good idea! We’ll try adding that to the thumbnails. Thanks!

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I recommend putting all of these pics against a backdrop of some kind

I like the gameplay style seems pretty cool. For golems to be an actual danger, you need to utilize roblox’s pathfinding system. I also recommend that you test all of your UIs rigorously so that they all conform to scaling. I’d also try making the a camera shake feature when the monster is close.

The golem DOES use a pathfinding system, but it doesn’t seem to be working very well. :man_shrugging:

I thought it scaled fine on most devices, but perhaps I missed something.

To directly increase engagement, you need to try a daily reward system. I believe alvin blox has one. I noticed that you have badges. Unfortunately, badges are kind of a outdated system for achievements and gaining engagements, as you can’t really show it off. You want to have some UI that shows will show you how much you are completing each achievement, and I would recommend a reward at the end, like unlocking some xp or an exclusive shop item.

That’s kinda funny. We DO have daily rewards. Is it not presented well?

Yeah you will want to get on top of that as soon as possible, gameplay mechanics are top priority in most cases.

I recommend using the auto scale plugin as that will make sure you are scaling correctly across everything, read the dev forum info in the description.
regarding the UI, you need to try to have one theme for all, and make sure they all generally look the same, this will ensure uniformity and what to expect across everything. I also would say you need to utilize UI corners (very important) on all of your Uis, as well as UI gradients if that makes sense with the theme.

Yeah I didn’t see anything about a daily reward.

Like this UI looks different than the rest

Yes, I was aware of that one. Are there any others than that?

nevermind it was right in front of me

I believe the reason for that is everything seems condensed in the lobby.