Hi im making a night lighting system prototype, however with the lights, after you are a certain distance away dissapear
Is there anyway i can remove or increase this limit, thank you
Hi im making a night lighting system prototype, however with the lights, after you are a certain distance away dissapear
Is there anyway i can remove or increase this limit, thank you
What are your Graphics settings in game and in Studio? I’m pretty sure lower end devices cut out lights at shorter distances than higher performance devices.
Lights are one of the things that get removed in the distance for less lag, same as Terrain level of detail.
im running maxxed graphics in both studio and ingame
just change up the lighting so you dont have to use so many unnecessary lights
you should be using lights as added detail, not as the sun
the issue is that if you get rid of too many lights it ends up looking patchy which isnt what i want
dark sky with the brightness up…?
The lights can look patchy but they shouldnt if you do it right
the thing is that i want the surrounding area around the track VERY dark
like this so turning it up would just ruin that effect
well either way you really cant use lights as the main way, try making the track road lighter and the surrounding colours darker