How do I insert a script into every part in the workspace with Studio Command Bar?

How do I insert an already written script in serverstorage into every part under work space with the studio command bar?


That sounds like a really bad idea, are you sure you don’t want to just do a loop of all of workspace’s parts at runtime and do whatever your script is on all of the parts?

Anyway, if you’re sure you want to run loads of scripts that do the same thing at once,

local s = game.ServerStorage.YourScript; for _, part in pairs( game.Workspace:GetChildren() ) do if part:IsA( 'BasePart' ) then s:Clone().Parent = part; end end

Replace BasePart with Part if you specifically wanted just parts and not unions, MeshParts, etc.

And replace GetChildren with GetDescendants if the parts you’re after are not all direct children of Workspace.


IA Way to do this would be :GetDescendants() and for every part parenting the cloned script into it
I wouldnt reccomend doing this though as it would cause immense lag.

example: for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
game.ReplicatedStorage.Script:Clone().Parent = v

It is a bad idea to have multiple copies of the same script, doing the same thing (this is what I’m assuming you’re doing). This can be tidied down to one singular script that manages the behavior of all of the parts using CollectionService.

You can simply tag all of the parts that need to do a certain thing using CollectionService:AddTag(Instance, ‘Tag’), use CollectionService:GetTagged() to return a table of all the parts, and loop through them to make them do what you please. There is an example of this on the GetTagged reference page.


You would use this line here to clone a script into every part under workspace from the command bar, if your script is named "Script". You might want to name your script something different than this just to more easily keep track of what is what:

local scr = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Script for _, part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then scr:Clone().Parent = part end end

As other people have said, this is a bad practice because not only does this eat up resources on your cpu faster, especially if this is a full-fledged script that does something CPU intensive, but it will also be very hard to maintain unless you make your script a package.
As the post above me says, the better practice is to use CollectionService in some central script. The way to implement placing these tags in the first place would require a different script just to make it easy though, and this is where this command would be useful.

You could just select all items in your workspace and right click and select ‘Paste into selected’.