How do i just add the rotation of a model without having to mutiply

This is so annoying and maybe I’m missing something whenever I search rotate a model around the dev forum only shows me how to multiply and make the model’s rotation move around how do I make its get a new rotation that doesn’t times the old rotation but something brand new
Edit for more context the axe in the viewport frame should be in one rotation and should not be constantly rotating

You have to use just the CFrame position and then multiply it by the rotation you want to rotate it by

							cam.CFrame = + displayItem.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * distancefromcam, displayItem.PrimaryPart.Position)
	cam.CFrame = + displayItem.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * distancefromcam, displayItem.PrimaryPart.Position)
								local modelCFrame = displayItem:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
								displayItem:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( modelCFrame * rotation )

you obviously did not watch the video here’s a snippet of my code

Okay I watched the video and it looks like it has something to do with the axe rotation but your not really specific on whats actually happening

the axe keeps rotating in the itemframe and I want its on a fixed rotation but there’s no tutorials how, its just how add rotation when I search its up

Alright so if im understanding right there is a viewport you are using to to make the item to show up in inventory, why dont you just position the model and then when you put it in the viewport it is already nice and cframed for you cause you did it manually?

because when i have over a hundred models its gonna be bothersome, also these models are going to be in the workspace and likely to move around and rotate when a player dies

Try this

cam.CFrame = + displayItem.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * distancefromcam, displayItem.PrimaryPart.Position)
cam.CFrame = + displayItem.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * distancefromcam, displayItem.PrimaryPart.Position)
local modelCFrame = displayItem:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
displayItem:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( * rotation)

thanks but its still did not work

Are you changing the cframe anywhere else in the script or maybe in other script?

Also did my code error or like what is happenin?

no:/ your code isnt really doing anything

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Is it not rotating it at all?


orientation does change old: 4.509, 90.04, 0.511 new 1.795, 126.722, -2.404 desired -3,-180,0