How do i keep it's uistroke as it's before i minimize my window

when i minimize my rs studio window

expected size

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There isn’t really a way to scale UIStroke according to the windows resolution. You would need to use Scripts to achieve that. Example:

local thicknessAt1080 = 2
local currentResolution = Camera.ViewportSize.Magnitude
local defaultResolution =,1080).Magnitude

local newThickness = thicknessAt1080*currentResolution/defaultResolution

UIStroke.Thickness = newThickness -- Use a `math.round()` incase the thickness is uneven.
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Yea since UIstrokes are pixel based it won’t scale depending on your resolution. Like cloud said you could make a local script that changes the UIstroke size depending on resolution

(higher resolutions = thicker UIstrokes
lower resolutions = thinner UIstrokes)

I would recommend using UIStrokeAdjuster for this. It’s easy to implement and scales all of your UIStrokes.

Hello AamTum,

I have the solution to your problem. A while ago, I created a LocalScript that ensures all UIStrokes in your game scale properly on any screen or when the player resizes their window. Try it out and let me know how it works for you!

The LocalScript should be placed inside StarterGui.

local cam = workspace:WaitForChild("Camera")
local starterGUI = script.Parent

local function AdjustUIStrokeThickness()
    local viewportX = cam.ViewportSize.X -- Store the value to avoid recalculating it every iteration

    for _, v in ipairs(starterGUI:GetDescendants()) do
        if v:IsA("UIStroke") then
            local parent = v.Parent
            if parent then
                if parent:IsA("Frame") or parent:IsA("ImageLabel") or parent:IsA("ImageButton") or parent:IsA("TextButton") then
                    v.Thickness = math.floor(viewportX / 400)
                elseif parent:IsA("TextLabel") then
                    v.Thickness = math.floor(viewportX / 400)

-- Execute once

-- Connect the function to adjust when the screen size changes