How do i know when there are the same amount of childrens in a folder and another folder?

The title is confusing, but i want to know when for example, the amount of frames in a gui is the same as the amount of blocks in a folder. How do i achieve that? I hope you respond me :slight_smile:

You can achieve this by using GetChildren by comparing the number of children in each gui.

Here is example of how you would compare the number of parts inside a model for 2 different models in workspace.

local a = game.Workspace.ModelA:GetChildren()
local b = game.Workspace.ModelB:GetChildren()
if #a == #b then
	print("They have the same number of parts!")
	print("They don't have the same number of parts!")
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And i have a question, because right now i’m making someting which is cloning frames with the same amount of a pets folder, which it’s not required this script. Well, i want to identify when the script of cloning stop by using this, i mean: identify when there’s the same amount of frames as pets, and when that happens, will do a function, how i do that? Because the script you shared, is only getting childrens once.

There are many ways to do this, but to my understanding of what you are trying to do is run a function when any frames or pets are added or removed, you would need to use ChildAdded and ChildRemoved.

Here is an example of connecting this Instance to a function.

function check()
local a = game.Workspace.ModelA:GetChildren()
local b = game.Workspace.ModelB:GetChildren()
     if #a == #b then
          print("They have the same number of parts!")
          print("They don't have the same number of parts!")
