How do I learn lua?

Apologies if this is in the wrong category, I felt like this would be the best place to post this.

Hey everyone!

So I’ve been practicing building, composing, a little bit of UI design, graphic design and digital art recently however there’s one thing I haven’t really tried…

While I have scripted simple things using tutorials such as obby checkpoints (thanks @Alvin_Blox) and loading screens I’ve never done more advanced scripts.

Scripting seems pretty hard for me, many of the tutorials are outdated and I rarely ever visit the Developer Hub.

How should I learn scripting?

  • Using the Developer Hub
  • Looking on the Lua Website
  • Watching tutorials
  • Looking through the scripts in free models / community resources

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I think that all 3 first categories will be good for you to start Scripting

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You should just keep practicing watching youtube tutorials based on Roblox lua and then when you have basic knowledge you can start to read articles on the developer hub, theres many tools that Roblox has nowadays and its so easy to learn these stuff, there is a couple of discord servers where you can interact with people who will help you on things you struggle with. Plus, I’ve seen these topic been created multiple times so it would be better if you would search them up before creating them.

Youtubers like AlvinBlox and TheDevKing are good for teaching if you struggle with reading the developer hub. You’ll eventually understand and understand more, it just takes time and practice!


Haha yeah, I watch them both! Love their tutorials! Would recommend watching them myself if you want to learn lua!

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I agree with @Tamzy3D. Everything that he said is good to start LUA scripting.

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I’d rather not join Discord servers, is that okay?

The only issue is that AlvinBlox sometimes doesn’t explain important things. By the way he is really good Youtuber.

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Ok, I understand.

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Can I still learn lua without doing that?

Without joining Discord servers? Yes I think.
I join them only when I want instant help and doesn’t find it on DevForum.

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Also, if you are just starting to learn lua, I tell you that you should learn these things:

  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Tables
  • Boolean, int, str values
  • Tables
  • While loops
  • Possibly for loops if you want to push yourself
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Alright, thanks! Going to look up some tutorials on Youtube now!

Going through Youtube tutorials is good. However, don’t start with advanced scripting tutorials- they’re not going to help you.

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I Was going to pretty much goning say the same thing as @Tamzy3D

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Learning Lua is a bit challenging for some people who are new to scripting or wanting to create something inside studio.

From my perspective, learning from the Lua website, the Developer Hub, and especially maybe some youtube videos that Roblox has made in 2016 is an excellent choice for you and others looking to learn some coding/Lua.

Developer Hub.
Lua website.
Youtube playlist.

Also, there are other topics to view so you can get different answers from them!

  1. Learning Scripting
  2. Ways to learn Scripting

Thank you for giving your opinion! I find browsing the lua website harder than scripting itself because of the UI :sweat_smile:
In all seriousness, thanks for providing these links!

Looking at the developer hub doesnt really help alot. If anything it would just confuse you more. I think looking at free model scripts and trying to decipher them would be a good idea and also watch some tutorials. When you watch the tutorials you shouldn’t just watch a bunch of tutorials because you will forget what was being said. Just watch one tutorial on something, then hop onto roblox studio and try to make your own script based off of what you watched. That way you will remember it better. The second and the last choices are the best, in my opinion.

Start with Youtube tutorials. That’s my opinion.
Back these days that I was starting LUA I wasn’t able to understand anything on the LUA websites or .

The way I learn is by giving myself projects or assignments. When I was learning lua I didn’t always accomplish these objectives, but I tried my best reading through articles, watching tutorials, and applying what I learned. As I was scripting, I started realising that I was becoming fluent - from copying and pasting scripts, I taught myself how to make my own systems. I eventually understood the mechanics of how it works. It’s said that lua has a better learning curve than other languages, so even though you feel like giving up (we’ve all been there), there will be a point, something like a eureka moment, where you will suddenly understand everything. From there forth, all you have left to learn is the different mechanics Roblox has to offer which can be found on the developer hub, and ways of making your scripts cleaner and more effective.

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Please search before you post!