How do i let an npc drop an item when killed

hello everyone
i am creating a game where u need to kill npc for currency, so i want the npc to drop a coin that i have coded but i dont know how i can let the npc dron anything


Make a script and write this:

local Humanoid = script.parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)

local item = (item’s location):Clone()
item.Parent = game.workspace
item.Handle.Position = script.parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position


where do i need to put the item

ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage

and what do you mean with item’s location

example that u want a sword to drop when NPC dies

at the items variable write :

local item = game.ServerStorage.Sword:Clone()

like this?

local Humanoid = script.parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)

local item = game.ServerStorage.Coin:Clone()
item.Parent = game.workspace
item.Handle.Position = script.parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position

this doesnt work for me

Does it show any errors?
or just doesn’t work?

it just does not do anything (text)

I’m sorry but if you’re just gonna copy the script, it won’t help you to achieve what you’re trying to do. Just try and understand the script by yourself.

Put the script inside of StarterCharacterScripts.

it does work, you just dont know any scripting and try to use the script without correcting anything in it, it should equal to your tools position, it perfectly works