How do I .magnitude hundreds of parts at a time without causing too much lag?

I’m trying to find a better way to script this. I’m sure I could figure out a better way through trying different things, but I figured someone would know and save me some time. Thanks.

while true do
	for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Items:GetChildren()) do
		local magnitude = (v.Position - script.Parent.Handle.Position).magnitude
		if magnitude <= 8 then

You could instead try making a Region3 around your handle and see what parts are in the Region3 and add in a filter to ignore parts you don’t want destroyed.

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You could try using FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList

If that doesn’t work you could create your own grid system for storing item locations and only check nearby locations in the grid.


Genius, thanks so much guys!

Just note that Region3 does not include rotation.

I think there’s also a limit to how many parts you can find at a time with Region3’s. Let us know if this is a problem for you, there might be ways of working around it.

It would be easier to help you find a good solution to your problem if you tell us what end goal you’re trying to achieve here - there may be a better way altogether.