How do I maintain playability in a storyline-based game?

I am making a story based game. It has a few storylines you can take, depending on your choices. Eventually, you’ll reach the end. Then the player is done, and onto a new game. I was wondering if there was really anyway to combat this, if possible. Thanks in advance!

Hi @AlsoGold! The only thing that I can think of is to add a bunch of secrets to the game, so that even after they have finished the game, they can go back to find those secrets. Other than that, maybe after having finished the entire game, you can make it so players are able to explore the environments from the game themselves.
I personally (as a player), don’t see many ways to combat what you are talking about, but adding secrets will have the player come back and enjoy the story even more.

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I agree with @watermelonroach’s idea to add in mini-secrets. I also would recommend having different endings so players are tempted to come back and try to find a different ending. I also think that adding different badges would tempt players to try to get them all, causing them to try again and again.


The post of both @ZehTopHat and @watermelonroach are good. I agree that they should be added, and here is my suggestions:

After ending the game, you could select a Part 2 where you go into the same story but with new quests. This way, players might stay around to find what Part 2 has. I recommend NOT and NEVER posting Part 2 on a different game as your players will have to leave the game resulting in less players overall. Another idea is if you haven’t already is bosses (basically, they have to fight bosses to get to the next stage, it will make it more challenging and fun, and if it succeeds you may see players staying, I also recommend when launching the updates change desc and name so when players find your page they are updated. This may make players play and stay until they finish the game. Make it long but not too long, that’s all I know as I’m not a front page Roblox Dev like Alex, etc.)

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@watermelonroach @ZehTopHat and @OlafGames123 have beautiful ideas that would be a perfect addition to your game.

Personally I think what adds the most re-playability in a game are achievements. You should add challenges that users have to complete in order to unlock cool cosmetics or even secret rooms. You can develop these challenges to be based on certain tasks within the story. Overall I think this would be a great addition to bring people coming back to try and 100% your game. Of course add in a badge for when they complete all of them!


In my opinion, content. Now let’s take a look at Pokemon which I’m sure you’ve heard of or maybe even experienced and played. Pokemon would be considered as a “storyline-based” game as it does have a story and you must do certain things to progress with the story. So how does pokemon have so many players playing it? Well, their main attraction would be pokemons. Though they are a storyline-based game they also have concepts from open world games. It’d be best if you are able to make a game with lot’s of content, side things to do and a bit of open world. Now story line games don’t last forever. What pokemon did is they introduced new “regions” and you would be able to “transfer” your pokemon over from game to game using a pokebank. Depending on your game you could do something similar where you make 1 version of a game and then make more versions where you are able to transfer data in one way or another. Obviously, all the posts before this one has great ideas and you should take a look into those.

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