Probably a more efficient way of doing this, but this could work:
local First, Second, Third
local FirstLap, SecondLap, ThirdLap = -1, -1, -1
function updateRankings()
FirstLap, SecondLap, ThirdLap = -1, -1, -1
for _, plr in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then
if leaderstats.Laps.Value > FirstLap then
Third = Second
ThirdLap = SecondLap
Second = First
SecondLap = FirstLap
First = plr
FirstLap = leaderstats.Laps.Value
elseif leaderstats.Laps.Value > SecondLap then
Third = Second
ThirdLap = SecondLap
Second = plr
SecondLap = leaderstats.Laps.Value
elseif leaderstats.Laps.Value > ThirdLap then
Third = plr
ThirdLap = leaderstats.Laps.Value
Run the function after each race and then the First, Second, and Third variables will hold the player with that ranking!
What you need my friend is a sorting algorithm, fun thing is that there is a metric crap ton of sorting algorithms. Just to keep it simple we will do an insertion sort.
You will need to sort them from highest to lowest and to do that we need will need to create a function
function insertionSort(tbl) -- A table of all the laps
local placeHolder = nil
for i=1,#tbl,1 do
for ix=i,1,-1 do
if tbl[ix] > tbl[ix-1] then
placeHolder = tbl[ix-1]
tbl[ix-1] = tbl[ix]
tbl[ix] = placeHolder
I just created the algorithm without testing so you will have to do some test. You will also need to decide how you assign the names of each lap to the player. I recommend you maybe record the lap times, so that you can pull this off.
EDIT: You would need the above in case say that the fourth place contender is on the same lap as the 3rd place contender. Well then you would need to consider their lap times in order to see who is ahead. This is commonly done in racing games.