Hi everyone, correct me if I am in the wrong catagory, I’m still new.
So for my Tycoon (Inuyasha Tycoon), I need to recrete Miroku’s Windtunnel into Roblox, basiclly I’m trying to create a blackhole in player’s righthand without sucking himself and sucking nearby enemies (20 cm)
The problem is since I quite new at scripting, I am unable to figure out how to do this, could someone lend me a hand?
I totally understand where you’re coming from, but this is a little bit too vague. I would suggest giving it your best shot and then coming back with questions a little bit more specific : )
I’d suggest looking into some VFX tutorials. The first thing I usually do is design my mesh and make sure it fits my needs. Then, I import it into Studio, assign materials (this step is really important to make sure you get the desired effect), then I animate it with TweenService. From there, you can tie it to specific events fired by the player.