You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? I would like to make a building grid (Already achieved, places 2 by 2 by 2) that can place different sized blocks (For example: 4 by 2 by 6)
What is the issue? When I try to place these different sized blocks, they would go through the ground because of how the grid is setup.
What solutions have you tried so far? Well, This works if each axis are the same. But with the example above: 4 by 2 by 6, one or two axis would go through a wall.
Here is my code
local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Building:WaitForChild(partCategory):WaitForChild(partName):Clone()
-- only define raycastParams once at the top for speed
local raycastParams =
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {plr.Character, part, game.Workspace.PlayerZones} -- this might error with with no character, if so add to character added event.
--cast, back in the mouse.Move
-- 500 is just the distance, its really big you can decrease it if you need.
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(unitRay.Origin, unitRay.Direction * 500, raycastParams )
if raycastResult then
local BlockPosition = getBlockPosition(raycastResult.Position + raycastResult.Normal * part.Size.Y / 2) -- change the 1 to whatever half your block size is.
if isInsideBrick(BlockPosition, plrZone) then
part.Parent = plrFolder
part.Position = BlockPosition
part.Orientation = orient
All help is appreciated (This is all on the server side)
Hey, sorry for the late reply but I think I figured out a way of doing this, so here it goes.
if raycastResult then
--grideSize: number
local blockOrigin = getBlockPosition(raycastResult.Position + raycastResult.Normal * gridSize/2) -- change part size to whatever half the grid size is
local originCF = CFrame.lookAt(blockOrigin, blockOrigin + raycastResult.Normal)
blockSize: Vector3
rotation: CFrame
where blocksize is the size of the part and rotation is the CFrame.Angles for rotation
local blockCF = originCF * ( -, gridSize/2, gridSize/2)) * rotation)
add half of the size of the block to get its centre
A vector representing half a grid has to be subtracted as blockOrigin is also offset by half gridesize
-- block: BasePart
block.CFrame = blockCF
I added types to the variables in the comments so you can fill the variable names in from your own code. I think this should work but i havent been able to test it. Sorry for switching to CFrame.Angles from your original Orientation property
If you wanted to check if any blocks were in the way of the placement, you could use GetPartBoundsInBox. You would just pass the blocks new cframe and its size in and then loop through the result to make sure there is nothing in the way.
I am so close to solving this problem! I can touch it!!!
I just need to solve this problem:
I am getting the block position like this:
if raycastResult then
part.Orientation = orient
part.Parent = plrFolder
local BlockPositionX = getBlockPosition(raycastResult.Position + raycastResult.Normal * part.Size.X / 2).X -- change the 1 to whatever half your block size is.
local BlockPositionY = getBlockPosition(raycastResult.Position + raycastResult.Normal * part.Size.Y / 2).Y
local BlockPositionZ = getBlockPosition(raycastResult.Position + raycastResult.Normal * part.Size.Z / 2).Z
local BlockPosition =, BlockPositionY, BlockPositionZ)
if isInsideBrick(BlockPosition, plrZone) then
part.Position = BlockPosition
I’m not really sure what your error is because you haven’t attached any images but I assume it’s because you are not respecting the block’s normal.
This should be fixed by creating a CFrame at the block position and making it face the normal.
local BlockPosition =, BlockPositionY, BlockPositionZ)
local BlockCFrame = CFrame.lookat(BlockPosition, BlockPosition + raycastResult.Normal)
if isInsideBrick(BlockPosition, plrZone) then
part.CFrame = blockCFrame
If this doesn’t work can you attach some images of what is happening in your current code so I can see what is happening.
Can I please have the context to this problem, like the code or the place file with the building system? It’s very hard to try and solve a problem when replies are so spaced out and I have very little code to work off.
Ok, I got a chance to sit down and code this solution out and this is what I came up with. MultiSizeBlockPlacement.rbxl (31.1 KB)
The solution shows the position the box will be placed in relative to the mouse. I did not code block placement as I just wanted the basic algorithm. You will also have to account for some clipping cases using GetPartBoundsInBox.
This solution only accounts for the client-side so you will have to figure out server-side stuff.
To change the size of the block find the Vector3Value in the workspace named BlockSize and set it to your liking to play around. The unit block is 4,4,4 as that is the size of the default Roblox grid pattern. I also added rotation, but it does not have user input (you will have to code that). It can be changed at the top of the BlockPlacement Module under the name rotation(remember it’s in radians so use math.rad).
I hope this solution helps you out and you are able to implement it into your game accordingly.