How do I make a button with no background but still having a border?

I want to make a button with no background but has a border that isnt clear

I am trying to make Gui for the player and want to make a button with no background but a border and I cant figure out how to

Can anyone help?

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You can do background transparency 1 then make gui stroke to make border, is this helping

I am playing on mobile so I cant try

As far as I know, changing the background transparency will also affect the border. The docs support this too: GuiObject.BackgroundTransparency.

You can however add four more very thin frames to create a fake border around the object.



Like this.

There’s a better solution than this. Use the newer UIStroke instance to get the effect of a border with more customization.



Frame properties:


UIStroke properties:



I said that but you didnt notice lol

I saw it but they only let you have one solution

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