Hi there I’m SocialBerry. I’ve been wanting to learn how to make a car chassis but I just can’t seem to find a good tutorial. I know there’s already a similar post to this but not much is said. Any idea on what I need to know or learn? I know that using the devforum to reply to this to help me. So here’s my discord if you decide to help. Strawbarray#8866. Thanks have a good day.
You’d better learn Blender and then import an .obj into Studio.
He is asking for a car chassis.
I recommend you using the open sourced vehicle chassis on devforum or you can use the jeep in the toolbox. It has very decent suspension and I recommend it.
@TheAxisCode Where could I find an open sourced vehicle chassis? It might help give me an idea where to start in making my own car.
I am pretty sure there are many open sourced chassis on devforum.
[2] You can try learning from the Jeep, you can try finding it on toolbox or Roblox templates.
[3] How to Rig a Car, it’s by @sleitnick also known as “CrazyMan32”
@TheAxisCode Roblox’s jeep wheels are not functioning properly. Plus the acceleration aswell, it just straights up suddenly accelerates fast. In doesn’t even speed up slowly until it’s fast and the speed never changes. When you stop driving, it will just stop the car instantly without even slowing down.
EDIT: Still I am checking those out. Those stuff you showed be above.
I wouldn’t recommend the Roblox jeep for beginners since it has its own way of calculating the physics instead of using the Roblox Physics .