How do I make a car?

Hello, I am wondering, how do i make a good car with no A-chassis.
This is the car i want to make work:
Inside the car (1)
Screenshot 2022-04-12 200630
Inside the car (2)
Screenshot 2022-04-12 200656
Inside of the wheels:
Screenshot 2022-04-12 200708

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There is no answer to how to “Make it work”, especially when it looks like you’ve copied someone else’s car Model and are trying to get it scripted for you.
We don’t know what you are trying to do with all those Parts and items.

Also you can’t ask people to make entire scripts for you here. This is a forum for people to help you when scripts you made are having problems.

Try @New_Item’s suggestion, start with a basic car tutorial and progressively work your way up.