So, I’ve realised my current stand/combat system doesn’t work anymore. This is due to how group data functions, but I do not mind this as I would like to make a new one. I was also playing generic refreshed jojo game/ another generic jojo game and i enjoyed the combat so I wanted to make it and experiment.
If you haven’t played the game b4 this is the link (also it includes a paid access):
here are some steps you could do to start off a combat stand type game system
In your game, create a new script and open it in the Roblox Studio editor.
In the script, define a new class called Stand that represents a stand in your game. This class should have properties for the stand’s name, abilities, and power level, as well as methods to activate and deactivate the stand.
Create a new instance of the Stand class and initialize it with a name, abilities, and power level.
In the activate and deactivate methods of the Stand class, change the player’s appearance or abilities to match the stand’s abilities and power level. You can use the Humanoid object and the SetStateEnabled method to enable or disable certain abilities.
In your game, create a player object and give it the stand instance you created in step 3.
Add an event listener to the player object that listens for the onKeyPressed event. When this event is triggered, check if the player pressed the key to activate or deactivate the stand. If so, call the appropriate method on the player’s stand to activate or deactivate it.
Test your game to make sure the combat/stand system works as expected when the player activates and deactivates their stand.