I already have the script but I only understand like 50% of it. The code is a bit advanced but it basically makes a compass. I already know what does the trigonometry functions do like the tangent/arc tangent, cosine and sine but I don’t really know why are they used like that. For example, I don’t get why what is the point of the RestrictAngle() function, substracting angles, and adding them. Can someone explain it to me?
-- This is the code
local Smoothness = 220 / 20
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Compass = script.Parent
local LastY = 0
local Units = {
[Compass:WaitForChild("North")] = -math.pi * 1.00;
[Compass:WaitForChild("NorthEast")] = -math.pi * 0.75;
[Compass:WaitForChild("East")] = -math.pi * 0.50;
[Compass:WaitForChild("SouthEast")] = -math.pi * 0.25;
[Compass:WaitForChild("South")] = math.pi * 0.00;
[Compass:WaitForChild("SouthWest")] = math.pi * 0.25;
[Compass:WaitForChild("West")] = math.pi * 0.50;
[Compass:WaitForChild("NorthWest")] = math.pi * 0.75;
function RestrictAngle(Angle)
if Angle < -math.pi then
return Angle + math.pi * 2
elseif Angle > math.pi then
return Angle - math.pi * 2
return Angle
while true do
local WaitTime = wait(0.001)
local Look = Camera.CoordinateFrame.LookVector
local ook = Vector3.new(Look.X, 0, Look.Z).Unit
local LookY = math.atan2(Look.Z, Look.X)
local DifferenceY = RestrictAngle(LookY - LastY)
LookY = RestrictAngle(LastY + DifferenceY * WaitTime * Smoothness)
LastY = LookY
for Unit, Rotation in pairs(Units) do
Rotation = RestrictAngle(LookY - Rotation)
if math.sin(Rotation) > 0 then
local CosineRotation = math.cos(Rotation)
local CosineRotation2 = CosineRotation * CosineRotation
Unit.Visible = true
Unit.Position = UDim2.new(0.5 + CosineRotation * 0.6, Unit.Position.X.Offset, 0, 3)
--Unit.TextTransparency = -0.25 + 1.25 * CosineRotation2
Unit.Visible = false