How do I make a constant moving floor?

I’m very rusty with LuaU lol, so bare with me.

I’m trying to make a simple script where it looks like the floor is moving. Of course, it needs to clone every now and then or reset its position, so it can stay on screen. How would I go about coding this, and would it be better client-sided or server-sided?

I should also mention that this is an infinite running loop


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if you want it to look like its moving, then you could use Textures where no physical movement is involved. Simply use a loop which modifies the OffsetStudsU and OffestStudsV properties.

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Yeah i was thinking of that too, is there a way I can pull this off with a material, some hidden property maybe?

Nah, you’ll have to use a roblox Image ID for that.
Although you could probably use some website to find images of the material textures and use those

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