How do I make a cutscene start. Is it with scripts or something else?

I want to make a cutscene using animations that I already have, the problem is that I don’t know how to start the cutscene, every video I find usually skips that part or doesn’t explain it well. I’m using Moon Animator and have a few of the animations ready and all I need to do is just have them trigger in-game and I can rest easy.


You would use a script, there are some tutorials around which have parts of code to play animations, currently I don’t recall very well how to but you might find something, look for help with animations, now that I think of it I asked this once

This should help: Play is not a valid member of Animation "Workspace.Dede_4242.Animate.SwordEquip"

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I hope this video help you

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I have experience with that.
Also, Make sure to keep it in a LocalScript in game.StaterGui or game.StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts
So Maybe do a Function like this:

function Scene()

If you want an Hitbox Make a variable for your hitbox and connect it:

local Hitbox = script.Parent.hitboxx

function Scene()


If you want to Trigger a cutscene with an Proximity Prompt do this:

local Prox = script.Parent.hitboxx.ProximityPrompt

function Scene()


Always change the Variable to your Location!

Now I hope you know how to Load animations and do camera Stuff.
Otherwise, just message me, I can help you with that as well Since cutscenes Are Key in my game.

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