How do i make a dummy that i applied humanoid description to 2x times bigger?, the script is a localscript in startergui and does clone a rig from repstorage and applies description and places it in workspace… how would i add that it makes the dummy 2 times bigger?
Found you again lol
from what it looks like you are changing the values through studio
humanoid description overrides these values so you need to change them after applying the description in the script
That worked! Thank you so much!
eventhough theres a solution found
the error with this way was that you changed it from the humanoid description
you needed to change them from the int values underneath the humanoid description
this would only be the solution if you only wanted to change one scale size and :ScaleTo() is better in your situation
Thank you too! Will use this next time.
yeah that is a good way but that takes longer time (Unless a for loop is used), scaleto is kinda useful… (sorry if im making no sense)
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