How do i make a dummy have infinite health

Im trying to make it so a dummy could have infinite health so people can see their damage and how much damage i do. And make the dummy last forever, how would i do this?

Dummy.MaxHealth = math.huge
Dummy.Humanoid.Health = math.huge

how much health would that be up to?

Math.huge is equal to infinite. It’s simple, math.huge just is a infinite number.

Basically, it’s a h u g e n u m b e r

local Humanoid = workspace.Dummy.Humanoid
Humanoid.MaxHealth = 10^5
Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth

local DPS = 0
Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead, false)
	if Humanoid.Health ~= Humanoid.MaxHealth then
		print("		-"..Humanoid.MaxHealth-Humanoid.Health)
		DPS += Humanoid.MaxHealth-Humanoid.Health
	Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth

while wait(1) do
	print("DPS: "..DPS)
	DPS = 0

Dummy.rbxl (427.5 KB)

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This is untrue. Math.huge is the biggest number that Roblox can handle. It is NOT infinite. But you will probably spend your entire life and then some counting to math.huge. Therefore, math.huge is big, but not infinitely big. However, it is big enough for pretty much anything you need and may want.

@funnyfunns’ solution works, but if you want it without code, then copy “inf” and paste it into the Humanoid MaxHealth and Health.

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2^1024-1 =

yeah, probably more than your entire life


you can just spam 9’s in the maxhealth and health if you don’t want to use a script. it will turn into inf