How do I make a first person view without having your body parts invisible to yourself?

game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson

The problem with this is that it makes your body parts invisible to you, I checked my body parts’ transparency while playtesting and they were all 0, so I can’t fix this by just changing the transparency. I’ve also tried setting the max&min zoom distance to 0 with the same results.

Just armviews which means copying the players arms then updating them each second so it looks like its appearing on the player

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Alright, I’ll try that.

So in a while loop (or a function connected to renderstepped) I set the fake arm’s cframe to the real arms cframe?

You can try this:

PlayersPart.LocalTransparencyModifier = number

Try this

for _,thing in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
if thing:IsA("BasePart") then
thing.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0

Of course, char would have to be a path to the character

There has already been a discussion with this issue. Take a look here:


This behavior is actually in the camera scripts and if you do some digging you can modify them so you don’t need to compete with the camera behavior.

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Thats literally the worst way to do it :sob::skull:

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Then what’s the best way? (Rgjgtjvricr)

Imagine saying there are better alternatives and not even giving it not very helpful lol


just making them not transparent, LocalTransparencyModifier = 0, bruh do a research

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“YOUR PART” .LocalTransparencyModifier = 0