How do I make a flight script like the one in FlightLine?

So I am making a flight game, and most flight scripts don’t have realistic elements such as throttle picks up instantly and no control over lights. If you have played PTFS you know what I am NOT going for. Can anyone help?

Can you show GYAZO/GIFS/VIDEO , of what you are talking about?

No. You’d have to play FlightLine yourself.

Link please?

Okay. Here you go: FLIGHTLINE - Open Beta - Roblox

Ok so I am basically confused on how to even start my engine.

Oh, to reverse thrust on the ground press V. To start engines press E. to stop them double press E. To maneuver simply left click and to stop maneuvering left click again. for brakes B. Hold space for quick actions.

Oh yeah and G for gear. I forgot about that.

Dang it… R for spoilers too…

Welp nvm about that, I am not into planes sorry haha.
I thought that was more simplier.

This is an extremely complicated subject, there’s a lot of scripts at play here. TweenService, possibly a custom movement script (or just Body Movers), etc. You’d need to make an initial system and keep refining it.

Let me remind you that it took the developer about 9 years to reach the aircraft kit he’s at now.
Just make one and keep refining it. Here’s an article to get you started —

Okay thanks. I’ll see if it can help.

Finally another person on this forum who knows the difference between using your rudder and yoke.

Flight line is a great game, I used to play in my spare time. I forgot about it and went to xplane but you just reminded me of it thank you so much I was about to quit roblox because playing jailbreak and other games on here was kinda getting boring.

I started at ptfs, I know what you mean. They have 10/10 stalls (sarcasm)

But sadly I have no idea about achieving something like this. You might want to contact jaymanlive and ask him. He has his server and twitter in the desc of the game.

Just one problem…

How do I contact him?

He has a discord server and twitter

In his game desc

Any way besides that? I have neither of those.

Erm no… Maybe message him on roblox? Or dev forum?

Thanks Kanye, really cool. Okay.