I’m trying to create a Hero/Character FPS game without guns but I’m having problems. There aren’t any tutorials for what I’m trying to make specifically and I’ve tried searching a fps gun tutorial so I could just take the gun out but all of the tutorials are just kits. I don’t know what to do please help thank you.
FPS means first person shooter
yea? I know what it means wdym?
“How do I make A FPS Hero Game”
“I’m trying to create a Hero/Character FPS game without guns”
“without guns”
“FPS means first person shooter”
“yea? I know what it means wdym?”
“I’m trying to create a Hero/Character FPS game”
What exactly do you mean, “making a fps game without guns”? Could you be a little more detailed and explain exactly what you want to achieve?
The hands fire out different projectiles (depending on the character they select and team) for example a character named Dan can shoot fire balls and has a secondary attack that creates a fire wall. I have a little bit advanced coding knowledge but I cannot figure out how to do it.
fps means first person shooter, maybe just settle for a laser blaster
that takes the uniqueness of my game away though its supposed to not be like every other fps
also I probably should mention I didn’t want to use tools but if its necessary I can
What exactly do you need help with? Making moves and abilities?
Yea just the basic gameplay. Firing the projectiles and the character selection. I know how to do the rest of the stuff needed for the game.
With projectiles you could cast a ray and tween a projectile along it or use linear velocity and push the part along the raycast. Character selection is not my expertise, there is probably a tutorial somewhere on the devforum though.
I’ve tried that but it doesn’t work like a real fps, if I look up the projectiles don’t go up. I’ve also tried using the camera.CFrame.LookVelocity but it says its not able to be assigned to the Instance.new part
Try casting a ray from the origin of the projectile to the mouse.Hit.Position, thers also a page on roblox documentation about laser blasters where they go over it in detail.
Well it sounds like you can just use the gun tutorials but turn the gun into an (1) invisible part welded to the hand, and the bullet is a fancy object stored somewhere that you just clone.
Regardless of what the model is, most of the code for a working gun can be repurposed for things like hand lasers.
try these, unless you’re looking for a laser, in that case just create a part from the player to the cursor
It’s a good tutorial but is there some way to use linear velocity instead of body force. I don’t really want to get into the habit of using something depreciated.
I just actually finished doing the tutorial but it doesn’t work
The gun tutorials are just kits or too simple and not what I’m looking for
You could use a raycasts direction as the linearVelocity’s line direction