How do I make a lightning like in Silent Dark game by Zeekerss?
You could simply check the “Lighting” properties.
There you have all; Ambient, TimeOfDay, etc.
Now, what you want to do, is Changing all Ambient colors to (0, 0, 0) (black) and FogColor aswell. You could also change FogEnd to like 100-1200. And the time to 20:00:00.
I hope this helps!
Firstly, this post would be better off in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support.
To answer your question though, this looks like they’ve either changed the lighting color values to extreme values (> 255) to take advantage of some of the hacky effects that can take place by doing this. Or, they’ve overlayed the screen with an image to give it a static screen effect.
My advice for you is to play around with lighting settings, and the post processing effects that are available until you get a desired result. You can also create a screen overlay, and make it move to give it a better effect.
To give a more descriptive answer for what General_Scripter gave;
Most of the admin models that have a “freaky” command set various properties of lighting to math.huge which gives it a very strange effect. This may include ambient, lighting, exposurecompensation, etc.
In the image you included with the post, it appears to be a yellowish-brown ambient (though not exceeding 255) and a semi-transparent static overlay.