How do I make a game into a group game?

I’m trying to make my game a group game so I can easily split revenue.

Unfortunately, this isn’t yet a built-in feature. There was at one point an offer Roblox staff were giving to people, but your game had to have 1m+ visits to be eligible.

I’d really love for this feature to be implemented on the website though.

EDIT: I assume your original question was how you can convert an existing game to a group game. If this isn’t what you were asking, you can create new group games by going to the Develop page, clicking on the Group Creations tab, selecting your group, then selecting the asset you want to create, in this case, a game.

Is there any way for me to put my funds into the group anyway?

Unfortunately I don’t think so. I know Developer Product purchases are unique per-game, but you may be able to do something sneaky for gamepass purchases. You could, just maybe, create a blank game in your group and add gamepasses to that, then prompt those gamepasses in your real game.

However, I’m not even sure if that’d work.

You can select Publish As and publish the place as a new group game, then in your game, have a message that says we moved to this group, and teleport them to the group game when they join the one on your account.

Edit: As for moving funds, you would have to buy a shirt or gamepass, but roblox would take 70%. There sadly is not, likes and visits would start from zero again. :confused:

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Is there any way to have the visits and likes transffer?

Can I make a teleport into a group place where people can buy gamepasses from the group and be able to use it in the original game?

You can enable “Allow Third Party Purchases” on Workspace, and then instead of prompting for your gamepasses, prompt for those ones, and as for people who already purchased your original ones, have it check for both.

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Oh, I see. Do I just go into properties on workspace to do that?

Yes, then promptpurchases on the group gamepasses instead of yours, but when checking if they own them, check both.

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Alright, thanks! What if people try to purchase the pass from the game page tho?

You would take yours off sale, so it wouldn’t show up on the game page. So sadly that would cut down a little bit on revenue. Which is why it may be good to just publish the game to a group, then in the game on your profile, have a link to the new one in the description, and teleport players to the new one.

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Maybe I could put a link to the group place in the description so people can go buy from its page. Also, will people lose the pass if it’s taken off sale?

If they own the pass, they already have it and won’t lose it.
Once you buy it, it’s yours.

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