How do I make a game like Mall Drifters?

I’ve seen games like Backrooms drifters and mall Drifters and I just kinda want the knowledge to make one. Where do I start to make a game like Mall Drifters. I tried my best at making drift cars and I couldn’t even drift on any of my cars. Is there any way to get the mechanics like Mall Drifters or Backrooms Drifters??

I genuinely appreciate any response!

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Same here. All I know is the cars have no wheels.


I just found out about the game through roblox’s recommendation system and was wondering the same as well.
I assumed it was just a block with body movers and went with that route to try and create one like it.

Here’s how it ended up:
I would say it’s decently close to the physics from Backrooms Drift
Excluding all of the extra stuff like braking, etc.

Hope you get it to work better than I did.
Here’s a few things to mention:

  • I made it using a Client-Behavior script because it was more convenient for testing quickly, but I am not sure how different it behaves from a regular local script
  • I made 2 cylinder parts for the front and back because it wasn’t easy climbing wedge parts
  • Made everything Ice material and changed the friction just a bit so it slides better
(EDIT: While playing Mall Drifters I thought of a few things it might also have in the system):

It honestly seems to me that when you steer, the angular velocity/torque or whatever they use to steer these days, is gradually being set to the max value depending on how responsive the car is set to be. Meaning it like, tweens it from 0 to n or something.

(EDIT 2: with a bit of graphical improvements it gives a really nice feel that lets you decide on how to drive it while enjoying yourself in studio. I spent 15 minutes just sliding around because it was fun 🤣)

Here’s a small comparison between the two, but you can probably test it more yourself:

And lastly, here’s the place I made. It was a place with a bunch of chassis in it, but I only left this one and a music player because it’s cool lol (warning if you play with sound I guess)
like_backroom_drifters_basic_idea.rbxl (147.8 KB)

And hey, would love to see what you find works best for this kind of drift chassis as well!


Whoa, that’s actually impressive for a small dev like me with hardly any expirience. I think I could work something with this idea. Thank you for your service! :pray:

No problem. I love car games just as much as anyone, so it’s only going to add to the fun when more come out.

I decided that adding suspension to the car to be able to run around uneven surfaces
Just 4 balls with a suspension. They don’t move, just slide the exact same way the base would, except you can drive on mountains :joy:

Here’s a clip of what I mean: (don’t be deceived by any details, it’s just 4 balls instead of a single block)


Thanks to your project I finally enhanced my go-kart’s drifting! I turned off the physics property but kept the drift aspects, and made tweaks to it so it’s not too strong.

It gave pretty good results and I’m gonna make a handbrake button for it. Thank you again!

Edit: Also the wheels move so it still gives the vibes of a go-kart but is driftable.