How do I make a game public but not playable

I know the title may sound confusing, let me explain

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want people to be able to see my game, from my group, but not to play it.

  2. What is the issue? I can´t find a way to do it!

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have searched everywhere but I can´t find how :frowning:
    So, do you know how to do it? Is it even possible?


I think that you can pin the game to the group wall and it still is set on private, so:

Players can see the game on the group page
→ they can’t join tho.


Create a whitelist

local players = {} --insert names of allowed players
	if not table.find(players, plr.Name) then
		plr:Kick("Restricted access")

You should use UserID, as you can’t change it.

local players = {} --insert names of allowed players
	if not table.find(players, plr.UserID) then
		plr:Kick("Restricted access")

You mean with a link on a group shout ?
Maybe that could be a solution.
If it’s something else, how do I do that?

You can set the game as a group game, that way people on the group wall can see it

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a whitelist would be the best but there is another way that I used and it consists in creating a white box where the player would spawn and cannot use the game, yes i was stupid, yes i still use it

This. Make it a group game so that it shows up on the group games list, but change its privacy level so that they cannot actually click the Play button and play the game.
Mind that you, the creator, might be allowed to play the game regardless of these settings.
(I do not own a group, so I don’t know the specifics of how it’s done)

A whitelist does neither of these things.