How do I make a Global leaderboard with ProfileService

Hi, I’ve made an entire game framework with ProfileService and I ran into the problem of creating a global leaderboard. Usually in games with a global leaderboard, it’ll just grab :GetOrderedDataStore and loop thru the table placing frames wherever needed.

So far I don’t have any of the scripts for it, but I do have the UI. I’ve made global leaderboards before, and before anyone asks I DONT WANT TO BE SPOON FED. I’ve been a scripter for 3 years, I already know how to script most things. I’m just asking for examples of how to do it.

Yes, I understand that someone already made a post about this back in March Global leaderboard with ProfileService?, now none of the information in this post yielded anything helpful in the slightest, and instead of bumping it I’m just gonna post. Any help appreciated!


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