Hello everyone!
Recently I’ve had some super cool ideas for games! While this is great and all, there’s 1 major problem I’ve ran into… my budget.
Most developers have at least 10k Robux to spend on sponsorships and a decent amount of Robux for developers.
I have a limited budget though… and as many of you will agree with, it’s hard to get your game known and hire good developers if you’re like me and you’ve never had more than around 2K Robux or so.
Before you say I should start commissions, I know that and I have plans to make a portfolio. I’m just wondering how I could get good developers and a large amount of players without a lot of Robux? Keep in mind I kinda need other developers as I’m not the best when it come stop scripting or 3D modelling at the moment.
Hopefully I can get some help from some successful developers!
Honestly, I’d put all of those Robux into advertising a game. Even when you advertise a game with a pretty small amount of Robux, it can still get pretty popular. 
Thanks for the reply! The problem I have is I don’t have much knowledge with building terrain, 3D modelling and scripting. What should I do?
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Hmm, you could watch a few tutorials which will boost you up a bit, but try hiring some people for CHEAP or free, and I’m sure you’ll find some people. How? Join Discord servers or Roblox groups! If you want an invite to a Discord Server, friend me @StolenMustang#9018
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Hi - unfortunately I don’t like joining Discord servers. I think I want to self learn actually, seems like the way i want to go 
That’s not a problem! Then I would try learning and watching tutorials before you start working on a hard, time taking game! 
Links to a scripting video:
A tutorial by @Alvin_Blox? His tutorials are amazing! Thanks for suggesting it!
Of course! If you don’t understand fully, make sure to re-watch the videos until you understand.
Good luck on your long journey! 
You can get thousands of impressions by bidding under 100 Robux when sponsoring. Also, be sure your thumbnails, icon and description are good.
Okay, I think I might put 400 Robux into sponsorships but I’ll spread it out over 4 days. Does that seem good? I might start bidding more as it makes more revenue.
Yeah, that’s perfect. (30chars)
Hmmm. If you only have ~2k to spend on ads it is best to just wait till you have more. You can do jobs for people and get money that way. 10k may seem menacing but TBH it looks way scarier than it really is.
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In all fairness, not to be a party pooper but you will probably end up wasting all your money. So many games that make big revenue put around 50,000 daily on sponsors so you will end up with nobody finding your game and your money wasted. Impressions don’t always mean players, I had 1,000,000+ impressions on another group I had but it got 5000 members from all 1,000,000 impressions.
Just a heads up, hope it helped.
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