How do I make a Grapple Tongue that sticks to things?

Hello developers! :grin:

I am in the middle of making a game where you are living as a frog. :frog:

I just got done making the frog and making a run animation and sound but I wanted to make a feature where the frog can use it’s tongue to grapple onto things but I’m not sure how?
I want to do something exactly like this but with my custom character frog. (This is the game Human Giraffe by Rdite)

You’ll have better luck searching in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support .

how i would go about it is maybe using raycast, calculate the distence then make a rope

If you want the tongue to grapple onto a wall when the player clicks on it, you can detect the position of the mouse on the screen and then create a rope constraint which is attached to the player and surface when the player clicks, and when the player clicks again you can use :Destroy() on the rope to remove it

While I personally don’t know how to go about making something like this I’d recommend looking at existing “web slinger” gears for example:

and then taking the useful parts from it.