How do i make a gui that changes the Body parts color to other limited brick colors?

How do i make a gui that changes the Body Parts color to other limited brick colors?
I am making a classic-modern mix style game and i want to make the character have a limited options of color for the character. i am bad explaining things.
The colors:


Make sure those are TextButtons with no text or ImageButtons with no image. Then, for each of them, hook a clicked event. When clicked, fire a remote to the server, to which a server script can respond and set the body colors to the corresponding color.

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thats just an example image of the colors i want to use

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Just pick all of the colors you want to use, if that’s not your image, you can use Studio’s color picker tool in the color selection window and get them that way. Then you can use,g,b) where the r/g/b values are that of the button’s BackgroundColor3’s r/g/b values.

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Did you want this to color the entire body or just a specific part?

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i want to add a menu that can change the parts individualy not all the body

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rp games have that feature
i want to make that feature

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Here’s something I put together:

Body Color Changer

(Ignore the weird color artifacts, that’s just a gif issue.)

You can get the model here (with instructions in the description):
Body Color Changer

Or you can run this code in your command line (which will automatically extract it):

local model=game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(15817816865)local folder=model:WaitForChild('Body Color Changer')folder.Parent = workspace loadstring(folder:WaitForChild('Extraction Script').Source)()model:Destroy()model,folder=nil

The main code for the client is inside of “ColorGui Script” and the main code for the server is inside of “BodyColor Script”, if you want to read the code to see how it works.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.


I can now add the most waited feature in the Game!


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