How do I make a hole in a simple block

Hello, I just started building on roblox studio and I love BLOCKY games on roblox,
and the most time consuming part of building for me is to make holes in blocks.
Any help please ?
Is there a plugin for that ?



If you are talking about Unions and such this is a very easy process!

You first start out with a simple block, then with another block inside of it but slightly smaller, and coming out of it kind of like this.

You then want to go into the Model tab, make sure to have your smaller block selected aswell. Press Negate, as to what I have circled.

Now it should look something like this! Your almost done!

Go ahead and Selected the 2 parts and press Union right next to the Negate button.

And your all done.


Thanks for the help ! :smile:
You took all those screenshot just to explain me.


Also, if you don’t feel like making a union for whatever reason, and if it’s just a normal block, you can just build around it. But I’d still recommend you union.


It’s important to be careful about how many unions your game has. Unions can cause lots of lag and they sometimes corrupt!


I’d recommend keeping versions of a union (As in duplicating the parts before you union them and putting them off to the side or in a separate folder), so you’ll have a spare copy in case your unions go corrupt.


i have not had a union corrupt on me in a year, and unions dont cause lag. they are the same amount of polygons. if you union 2 blocks with 6 sides the union has 12 even you dont see them they are still colliding, they cause just as much lag as parts.

I don’t even know what you are talking about lol, but thanks, I’m just a beginner.

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