How do I make a keybinded tool door?

In some games I’ve seen that they have made a door that you can open by pressing E, but only opens if you are holding a certain tool. I have also tried searching for it online but only found 2 results of what I was looking for, 1 was pretty much unconfigurable and the other was a misunderstanding.

In a nutshell, I need help with making a simple script that opens a door when you press E but only opens if you are holding the correct tool. Thanks :grinning:

here is an video from alvinblox about a keycard door: i think it will kinda be the same

no, not really but thanks anyway. I am trying to make it so when you press E it opens. That video is for touch keycards

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You could make a localscript inside the tool which handles it like this flow:

  1. On Tool Equip, Connects a UserInputService function to check for E keybind press.
  2. In the keybind connection, you could check distance from character to the door, if its say less than 10 then you could Open/Close the door.
  3. On Tool Unequip, Disconnect the UserInputService Connection that you created before.

That could work, but I’m not the best scripter myself haha. Could you help me with this please? Thanks

You can use UserInputservice and there is a lot of others tutorials on YouTube…

The only tutorials on youtube are how to make a touch keycard door or how to make a keybinded door, I’m trying to combine the both and make a keycard keybind door.

I can’t really give you the total script for your needs, but as an example, I could show you what my flow would look like.

local tool = script.Parent
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local connection
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local doorInstance = workspace.Door

local function Connect()
     connection = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gp)
         if gp then return end

         if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then 
               if player:DistanceFromCharacter(doorInstance.Position) > 10 then return end
               --Stuff To Open/Close Door Here.

local function Disconnect()


Also, this is just a really simple example, so i won’t say to copy this but it can be used to take an idea.

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Thank you very much! :smile: I configured it a little and it works perfectly. Don’t worry, I don’t just copy and paste I like to actually understand the functions of the script so I can use them in the future. Thanks again

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