How do I make a list of non-banned User IDS from (number) to (number)?

I want to make a list of User IDs on ROBLOX that aren’t banned and are in a specific group of numbers. For this case, I want a list of IDs from 1 - 1000.

I do not know anything about how to script this, since I’m a builder. I want to use this for an “Old” ROBLOX users list, “Medium” ROBLOX users list, and “New” ROBLOX users list.

I’ve looked for solutions on the DevForum, but it was only for groups / group ranks.

I’d love help from experienced scripters.

I’m a little confused as to what you’re asking, sorry. If you want the account age use Player.AccountAge

I mean the UserIDS in the url.

Maybe this is what you are looking for?

for UserId = 1, 1000 do
	local Success, Name = pcall(function()
		return game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(UserId)
	if Success then				print(Name)					end

Source: Players | Roblox Creator Documentation

It’s working even for banned users! Thanks!!!