How do i make a loading screen with an image background

keep in mind that I have horrible knowledge of scripting terms but I want to make it so that the background of my loading gui is an image instead of color. to make things more clear, what i am trying to change is the purple background in this image.
how exactly would I do that in normal, non-scripter terms?


Just create an Image Label inside of wherever the GUI is located and set the ZIndex to 0 in the properties so that everything else within the GUI is displayed ontop of it.

so underneath the frame? sorry I am horrible at this ngl.
edit: this is my current order

Yes, if the Frame is what contains the loading GUI. So something like this.

and would i have to add an additional script or would it just fade with everything?

If the script is just fading away the Frame then all of the its children including the ImageLabel will fade away with it.

heres the current script. followed a tutorial so not sure if its the whole thing or just the text

whoops forgot the image xD

local playergui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local gui = script.LoadingScreen:Clone()
gui.Parent = playergui

repeat wait(10) until game:IsLoaded()
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1
playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency = playergui:WaitForChild(“LoadingScreen”).Frame.Transparency + 0.1

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Well this is a rather rudimentary way to create a fading transition. It will achieve what you’re looking for, and yes if you add any other GUI objects such as an ImageLabel to the frame it will disappear with everything else.

thank you! I finally figured it out!

now I just need to figure out how to make it so the sky isnt showing at the top :thinking:

Just add this to the top of your script.

local starterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui') -- Getting the roblox default GUI's 
	starterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false) -- this is disabling the topbar

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