How do I make a map Loader?

Hello, Im currently creating an unnofficial Futuretops type of game with a specific gun system.
I currently use the Kohls admin. But I don’t know how to make a command that loads maps.

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You can simply store the map model in serverstorage/replicatedstorage and clone it when firing that command.

Here’s the simple idea behind it -

local Map = game:GetService("ServerStorage").MapModel

local function LoadMap()
  --checking if that map already exists in workspace or not
  if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(Map.Name) then
  local clone = Map:Clone()
  clone.Parent = game.Workspace


[Here I assume you’re firing command from the client, and the impact will be done on the server, thats why the remote.

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Where do I put that script like into custom commands or?